
Here is a display of the Puppets that I have made for the last year.

Melvin 1 Tabletop Puppet

This was my first character that I created for an upcoming show. He was loved so much that I was commissioned for two more.

Melvin 2

Melvin 3

Igor hand puppet

Elsa Rod Puppet

Crow rod puppet

Morcant from the Light Princess

Ayla from the Light Princess

Morcant with his trusty horse.

This was exhibited in Evansville, Indiana. The Light Princess was the first exhibit for the Lamasco Microgallery. Opening night was October 27, 2023 and will run for 15 weeks. You can hear the story and see the work in progress here.

https://ninaoberlin.com/the-light-princess: Puppetry

Tory Schendel-Vyvoda the curator, with the Light Princess exhibit.